Rep. Davis’ Child Abuse Notice Act Passes Committee

SPRINGFIELD – Yesterday, House Bill 4350, filed by State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) passed the Adoption & Child Welfare Committee with a unanimous vote of 14-0.

“I am thrilled the Child Abuse Notice Act passed committee yesterday,” said Rep. Davis. “This act will require specific establishments to post informational signs targeting minors caught in child abuse and trafficking, providing pathways for immediate help.”

Establishments with the highest likelihood of being frequented by children being abused or trafficked, such as bus stations, emergency rooms, and hotels will be required to post these signs. Rep. Davis worked with the Illinois State Police when identifying these locations.

Rep. Davis continued, “Children who are in these horrendous situations may not know how to get help. Many of them feel alone and trapped, and these signs will provide victims a way out.”

“I also want to thank Colleen Murphy who testified on behalf of this legislation. Colleen is a constituent and the founder of the national movement, My Body Tells The Truth (MBTTT). She brought the idea for this legislation to my office, and I appreciate her continued determination to protect children in Illinois.”

This bill is one of five bills included in the Protecting Kids legislative package filed by Representative Davis.

For more information about Representative Davis, visit
