Rep. Davis Sponsors Legislation to Help Children with Disabilities

YORKVILLE – State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) recently filed three bills aimed at supporting students with disabilities, offering more resources to their parents, and promoting new disability training for teachers, staff, and administrators in Illinois schools.

“These bills are a game-changer – giving students with disabilities, their families, and educators the real support they deserve,” said Rep. Davis.

House Bill 1097 allows parents or guardians to record audio during meetings regarding their child’s individualized education program (IEP).

House Bill 1106 lets school districts create volunteer Special Education Advisory Committees when parents request them.

House Bill 1107 requires school staff training to better understand and support students with disabilities.

Rep. Davis concluded, “These bills tackle multiple weak spots in current Illinois law addressing students with disabilities. Together, we can create a framework for children, parents, and educators to ensure all Illinois students succeed.”

These are three of the twelve bills included in Rep. Davis’ Protecting Kids Bill Package

For questions, or to express support for these bills, please contact Rep. Davis’ office at (331) 867-8200. 

For more information about Representative Davis, visit
