SPRINGFIELD – State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) filed a bill to cover out-of-pocket expenses associated with buying classroom supplies for teachers in Illinois.
“House Bill 3008 helps address the added cost for teachers who pay for school supplies out of pocket,” said Rep. Davis.
House Bill 3008 creates the Illinois Classroom Supply Assistance Program, which allows teachers to buy pre-approved supplies with funds loaded onto a Classroom Supply Assistance Card (CSAC).
Rep. Davis added, “Teachers shouldn’t have to pay for classroom supplies out of their own pockets. No other profession expects employees to cover work expenses from their own salary. This bill helps teachers keep more of their hard-earned money and ensures students have the supplies they need to succeed.
“Thank you to Thomas McCullough for suggesting this bill idea.”
This is one of 12 bills in Rep. Davis’ Protecting Kids Bill Package.
For more information about Representative Davis, visit RepJedDavis.com.